Friday, March 14, 2008


If Pokemon were real...
I was thinking if Pokemon fighting was actually real. If it was real it would make dogfighting look like Barbie dolls. These animals, all they do, is fight. They are plucked out of the wild and forced to live inside tiny balls with no ventilation. You think kennels are bad? Try living in a ball that is not even as big as your body. A fucking tiny little ball! Shit. These monsters are only let out to fight and the fights are not even fair. At least a dog fights another dog. In Pokemon world, a tadpole made of ice might have to fight a giant fire breathing fucking dragon! C'mon now. Some tower over and outweigh by thousands. There are no weight divisions or regulations. Despite being treated like slaves... if they dare act up, they might be confined to that ballish prison forever.
I hear people wanting to ban Doom and stuff but Pokemon is the real monster to our youth. It promotes violence and the mistreating of animals. I don't even think Pokemon are fed. 

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