Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I just watched "Lord of War" and "Blood Diamond". Wow. Remind me not to go to Africa. Seriously, it is fucked up there, and these conflict diamonds are causing real problems. Screw diamonds, they are not worth it. They got kids running around with AK's and people that are armless. It is honestly very bad, and if you watch "Blood Diamond" you will agree. Shit, that movie will make you turn down a free diamond. Another powerful film I recommend is "The Fountain". Some critics bashed it, but it is honestly like poetry on screen. It might be a little trippy, and at times confusing, but it blew me away. And visually, it is one of the best films I've ever seen. I'm writing this like half asleep, so that may attribute to the lack of wit. Be good to each other...Peace.

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