Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blockbuster Night

I spend more time "browsing" Netflix then actually watching anything.  I miss "Blockbuster" nights. Wandering the Blockbuster aisles staring at artistic majesties of VHS covers. Back then companies knew they would have to stand out in a sea of thousands. They didn't just Photoshop Nic Cages face in front of a explosion.... some even had amazing bad ass hand drawn artwork... Art done by fucking hands!  Once you made your decision, and spent your hard earned parents money on the rental... you bet your ass you were watching that motherfucker from start to finish. Even if it was god awful 9/11 type bad you will still probably watch it twice, maybe three times if it showed bare breasts. Same went with video games. I beat a game called Chubby Cherub. You think it was good? Fuck no.  But look above at that cover art... who wouldn't rent that?! It was the number one rented game by pedophiles and Priests.

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