Wednesday, July 31, 2019

KEEP AMERICA GREAT! TRUMP 2020 (keep digging that hole)

 Deep down, as much as you dread it, you know......

Trump is going to get re-elected.

I already see flags in my neighborhood saying "Trump 2020 : Keep America Great". And mind you I love in Queens Fucking New York! The Melting Pot of the World.

Is Trump a sociopath narcissist? Absolutely. Should he not be president? Absolutely. But you know who will not de-throne him? The 20 idiotic Democratics on stage looking like some bootleg ass Spelling Bee. I LOVE Bernie Sanders. He was who I wanted to be president last election.... Now? Ehhhh... He looks like he has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. DiBlasio? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Ask any New Yorker if they want Tall Bill as president and I bet you get the same response. Its not that I hate him...but if you presented most people with the option to push a button to never see him again? Di-Blasi-Gone.

Lets look at the Ukraine. A comedian on a sitcom who played a teacher who ran for president and won.... became the fucking president! And his campaign was that people liked his fictional presidential character and wanted to make that a reality. When I first heard that, I thought it was insanity.... then I thought of Trump. That is minor league compared to our pussy grabber. BTW: The image above is inspired by the legendary film "They Live" starring the thespian "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. Directed by the great John Carpenter. No bullshit its one of my favorite movies ever and with todays climate its getting a ton of fraction.... Its not on Netflix but I hear about these things called Torentz?!

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