Monday, November 13, 2006


Ok, so this is how its gonna can look over to the right and scroll down and you'll see all the former articles under the title, PREVIOUS POSTS. The ones that are simply dates, are just random thoughts...and I'm sorry if they might bore you! However, if you see something that has a title admist the dates, then its a story, and those are GUARANTEED to entertain you. Anyway....time to ramble. I think too many people are living life too fast. People need to just slow down and look around them. Life is beautiful, and I try to live each day like my last. That picture up above is a real photo taken at the hills east of Tehachapi, California. Thats where I want to live. I want to just run through that field while eating handfuls of shrooms. I went to a psychic once, and she told me in my past life I was Johnny Appleseed. That picture looks like God ate Skittles for 3 days straight and then shat all over some mountains. There is a Simple Life marathon on right now and I just realized Paris Hilton might be the first person I truly hate. I can't believe girls look up to her. Speaking of TV, I usually only really watch Sopranos, Entorague, and sports, but I saw Deal or No Deal for the first time and that show is bad ass. Maybe I just like it cause Howie Mandell hosts it and I have fond memories of Bobbies World.
BTW: Heres a really good snippet from Deal or No Deal:

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