Thursday, February 08, 2018

Broke People are Happier

I sit back and wonder. What is happiness. Does one need money to be happy? I talk to my grandparents and they say they were happiest during the "Great Depression" when they didn't have a pot to piss in. I was told back then there was no such thing "as being bored". You were constantly at work or being mischievous. These kids were 11 years old selling newspaper.

I look at poor communities and I notice unity. A strong sense of neighborhood filled with cook outs and block parties. I feel poverty actually brings us closer together. When we are all sailing in the shitty boat it gets rid of judgement. We are not comparing how big your house is or how new your car is... Capitalism is killing this country. And we have elected the human embodiment of capitalism and greed as President.

Money doesn't buy happiness. I know its cliche but it's true. I've been in the richest neighborhoods and seen the loneliest most miserable people. I've been in poor neighborhoods and seen people having the time of their lives.

I think money creates a class system. "Rich" people do not want to associate with "Poor" and have this feeling "Poor" are mooching off the government and somehow taking their money.

It's crazy how this Capitalistic Country has convinced us that anyone not overworking themselves and slaving away for a larger corporation is "lazy". We even look down on them. We have ONE life... you think I want to spend it in a tiny windowless office making someone else rich. FUCK THAT. One of my favorite rap albums is 50 Cent's "Get Rich Or Die Tryin". That is exactly my mentality. I rather be broke and happy then a slave to a corporation. You bought that new car.... have fun with that instant gratification. These overpriced material things are just incentives to have you work harder and longer hours.

Think about this... say there is no afterlife. Your going to spend the majority of your life working some job you hate so you can go and buy bullshit to make some other asshole rich? Buy a shirt with a douchebag names on it to prove your bank account is healthy. If what you own is the most interesting and enticing thing about you, I'm sorry.. your personality sucks. If your Facebook profile pic is your car your probably one of these people.

And why are we fed these subliminal messages that we need material BS to be relevant? How else would Capitalism thrive and survive? And Social Media is the perfect platform for Capitalism. The best place to compare yourself to others. Feel horrible about yourself about what you don't own, the lavish parties your not attending, and the vacations filled with yacht champagne popping you cant afford. Or turn on TV and see the Kardashians living a life you will kill for.... while your watching it holding your cable bill complementing if you should cut out DVR to save money.

And we still don't talk about mental health in this country. It's like this secret or  a scarlet letter. We see these people shooting up thousands of people and we jump on gun control. What if this person was mentally ill? I was never taught anything about mental disorders in highschool or college. I had "Health" class. With this new "God" called the internet thrown in to the scheme.... I feel it has thrown off everything we know about mental health. The effect social media and all this texting and "vlogging" has done to us is astronomical... and we don't even realize it because we are too busy texting.

Sorry for any bad grammar or spelling errors... I just type from the dome, my purest thoughts.

- MJ

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