Sunday, September 07, 2008


I caught a little bit of the MTV Music Video Awards. My God.... I remember these shits weren't half bad... MTV always had the best production values this side of the NFL and WWE. As shitty as the performances were going to be, I knew the whole show was going to be over the top and flashy and flamboyant. Their would be larger then life superstars, barely dressed hot starlets, out of control rappers, and rock stars climbing on top of large things. The VMA's are so god dammed neutered it makes me sick. The music industry has absolutely NO unpredictability. Charisma seems to be becoming a lost art form, and even the rappers of today aren't gangsta or controversial. The VMA's used to feel like a place where everyone wanted to be. Does anyone else remember when it was in New York and Chris Rock hosted? That shit was huge. Now a days, it feels like Diddy rather be in Brooklyn eating cheesecake then anywhere near the VMA's. (He wasn't there this year from what I've seen.) The biggest attraction at this show was Britney Spears. Britney fucking Spears. And MTV acted like she was still a huge star and didn't lose her fucking mind and shave her head a couple of months ago. She won like every award.... she should've won the award for "Ugliest Vagina".

Chris Brown and Rhianna are fucking boring. Rhianna is weird looking, with her alien forehead and dyke haircut. Christian Aguilera and Kid Rock weren't bad. MTV and Disney are now basically one with Hannah Montanna running about everywhere and the asshole brothers or whatever the fuck they are called. I have also come to realize I'm not too big a fan of Lil Wayne anymore. He is really starting to get on my nerves, and he is one of the WORST live performers I have ever seen. He runs around the stage looking like a cracked out Gremlin someone fed after midnight. Kanye had an "interesting" performa
nce, debuting a new song that contains no rap what so ever. Its very minnimalistic. I'm a big Kanye fan but this one might have to grow on me a bit.

The host was some douchebag from Britian who does not des
erve to have his name mentioned. He looked like a reject from Spinal Tap and was WAY to excited to see the Asshole Brothers pretend to play instruments. I really feel the VMA's basically made Chris Rocks career, and this shit basically killed this guys career. There is no way someone could watch this guy and not utter the term "motherfucker". I also loved how he had to pretend Britney was still so hot. Did you see the pics of her pussy? That shit was literally bleeding old nacho cheese. Wait... What?

MTV used to be hip and a voice for the youth. It used to be somewhat "edgy", and viewed as cool. No one on this planet would consider MTV cool anymore. Now is the perfect time for a new music channel to emerge that is the anti-MTV. It has to bring back that wildness and embrace less mainstream artists and pay a bigger respect to those artist that paved the way......and I'm not talking about Britney fucking Spears.

Speaking of Miley Cyrus this was apparently a big web hoax. I find it to be funny as hell.... and this girl could really use braces....

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