Friday, July 17, 2009


Yeah so I'm sick... and I have to get MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR surgery to remove my tonsils very shortly. So I probably dont have much more time left on this earth, but at least I know how i want to spend it. I just got a free 2 week trial for Netflix on my XBox. The movie selection is moderate but it really shines with the streaming television series. All seasons of Quantum Leap and Twilight Zone?! Jesus, did I just die and go to heaven. There is no reason to go outside and socialize anymore. They even have campy Italian horror films like "Zombie". This is a pretty sweet deal for 10 bucks a month... unlimited streaming movies and you can send away for a movie whenever you please. This is the opportunity I've been waiting for to finally watch "The Wire".... a show many consider the finest example of American writing.

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