Thursday, July 23, 2009

Let the Right One In

I just saw a movie from Sweden called "Let the Right One In". It is a beautiful, disturbing film that really leaves a haunting image in your head... especially when you research more about the novel and find out more about the story. This might be one of the oddest films of all time.

I'm gonna put some spoilers here, so if you plan on seeing the film go see it first and then come back and read this to get a better understanding. The story is mainly about a lonely 12 year old boy who is constantly picked on. He winds up befriending a strange 12 year old girl who lives next door to him with an older man. As their friendship progresses he winds up falling in love with her. Now here where it gets strange as all hell. She is actually a vampire and the man living with her, her "father" goes out and does the killing for her gathering the blood. The man is actually not her father but a pedophile. He is hired to go get blood in exchange he gets to mess around with the young girl. (You don't see this in the film but it is in the novel) Now it gets even more bizarre.... Through out the film the young girl says she is not a girl despite getting closer to and even kissing the other boy. In one disturbing scene he is spying on her change when he see's that "she" does not have a vagina but instead a big scar. In fact this girl was actually a boy but casturated by a vampire lord in a bizarre ritual and turned into a vampire... he is also in fact 200 years old. As crazy, sick, and perverse as this may sound this is an amazing film. The cinematography is amazing and this film provides some of the most haunting images I have ever seen in cinema.  Fuck.... what a mind fuck... This movie totally just blew my mind... I can't even sleep right now, my mind is just racing with thoughts... trying to comprehend what I just saw.

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