Thursday, July 31, 2008


INT. Riches Deli - Basement - Night

MJ, 23, sits slouched on a couch enjoying the company of his friends. He gently puffs on a cigarette and holds a beer in the other hand. His friends all laugh hysterically at the jokes he is telling and there is nothing but smiles around the room.

Everything goes silent as Tony, a 23 year old guinea, walks into the room. He wears a nasty scowl on his face and is angered by the laughter he perviously heard.

What the fuck MJ you little slut?! Why aren't you working! 

But Tony its my day off.

Tony SLAPS MJ across the face with two swift fists. All of the friends jaws drop to the floor.

I'm the boss God Dammit!

Tony SLAPS him the sound echoes through out the room. Everyone in the room is feeling uneasy and nervous.

I only tried to do the right thing..I'm sorry.


Tony turns and goes to make his way out of the room. He abruptly stops.

             I'm taking your shoe too you mother fucker.

Tony removes the sneaker and walks out of the basement with a huge smile on his face.


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