Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tha Metz

Watching Kate Hudson on "Inside the Actors Studio". She is pretty cool... her "dad" is friggin Kurt Russell. Kurt Russell is the man. Heres something I found pretty funny which I bet you didn't know. Kate used to date world renowned super villian of the New York Yankees, A-Fraud, A-Roid, Gay-Rod, Alex-Never Be Jeter-Rodriguez. Anyway she has a brother named "Boston". Isn't that ironic. The 2 main reasons the Yankees won the World Series is because of Kate Hudson and Matsui, and now they are both gone. I hear the Mets are going to be really good this year. Actually I didn't fucking hear that. I heard they are going to fucking suck. They should change their name to "Tha Metz" and embrace a new urban "thug" image. You might beat them but they are going to fight you... maybe shank you.

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