Saturday, July 03, 2010

One of the worst people on earth...

M. Night Shallyham is a hack. He is one of the worst directors walking the earth. "The Happening" was probably the worst film I have ever seen... I say "was" because I have not seen "The Last Airbender" yet. Based on the reviews it is receiving, it might take that title.

Now I know a lot of you are thinking, "Sixth Sense was pretty good." Really? Go back and re-watch it. Ray Charles could see that twist ending coming a mile away and he's blind and dead. To make it worse, that whole plot was stolen from an episode of Nickelodeon's "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". HACK!

M. Night's movies are basically really bad 2 hour long "Twilight Zone" episodes. When Night writes a film, he probably comes up with the surprise twist first and writes the film around that. The problem is he is no Hitchcock, and his plants for the twist are so blatantly obvious. Look at "Signs".... the young daughter leaves half empty glasses of water all around the house. Gee... you think that is going to lead to something? Why does she do this? Because the aliens are allergic to water.... Even though they decide to attack a planet that mainly consists of water. And who is the first character in the film wise enough to point out that water might be the weakness? Well it's M. Night himself. And what race of people are the first to defeat the aliens via water? The Indians... and not the cool Native American kind.

That's another problem with M. Night. He is so fucking arrogant. Every film has his name prominently displayed before it like he is Spike Lee or something. The main advertising for "The Happening" was that it was M. Night's first R-rated film. And he always appears in his films as this all knowing character. In "The Lady in the Water", they were looking for the most prolific writer of our generation who will positively change the earth with his teachings. Guess who plays this character? M. Night. What an arrogant prick. But then again I somewhat enjoy watching his films. It is like watching the ultimate train wreck. His awful work is the fuel to my fire of hatred. If he did not come off as so pretentious and arrogant, I would even feel bad for the guy.

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