Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Good Ol' 90's

Oh how I love the 90's... when NY was gritty... before it was neutered by this spader Guilliani and lost its balls. Before the hipsters... the outrageous rents.. the lack of crime to keep people in check.

Lets jump back shall we..... You knew every location, bodega, park. You knew what to avoid and and where would get you jumped. Just the slight ragging of someone else's graffiti would catch you a beatdown. It might sound dangerous but EVERY child was out and apart of it.... the streets were alive.... Football, Stickball, Manhunt, Basketball, and Baseball.... even a early form of "MMA" we associated with professional wrestling where we beat the hell out of each other to submission.

You knew every drug dealer in town because they drove the most suped-up cars. The loudest sound system that was basically just a when Ludacris, "Southern Hospitality" played it would rumble the street blocks like an earthquake. The absolute first thing you did when buying a car was to limo tint the rims or if you were relally big pimpin throw some mirror tints on that beyotch.

I miss this.... I miss playing basketball with my best friends. Stopping to sip on a Old E 40 and blasting "Return Of The Mack" off a cassette. Sitting wondering if Starks and Ewing could ever win the championship and if Stone Cold would finally get to Vince McMahon on Monday Night.

Not worrying about who had beef with who or who was trying fuck such and such's girl. It was a simpler time. We weren't shackled and constrained by technology. The most we had were beepers, which were widely ignored. (Who wanted to walk to a pay phone, and who carried spare change)

Our Knicks never won that championship... a vital game interrupted for coverage of the "OJ Simpson Chase"... A sign of the times I guess... I miss it every day.... Discovering the Biggie Track "Notorious Thugs" and playing it 37 ties in a row. Its sad you never knew the date of the last time that all happened... the last time you all hang out on the block... Life happened.

Now I know why older people are so fond of memories.

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