Tuesday, December 26, 2017

What If Satan was the Good Guy?

What if Lucifer was actually the good guy in this story? Think about it. We only know one side of the story... God and his followers side. What if the Bible was just one big smear campaign where they call him "the devil" "satin" and my personal fave, "Beelzebub". 

Picture this scenario.... God has just failed with his "Dinoasuar Project", wiped them out and is feeling pretty down. There are rumblings among the angels about the bossmans ineptitude but no one dare say anything. So he makes Humans and besides for the Eve/apple thing its a roaring success. Now he gets cocky... tyranical. Turning people to stone, messing with Jebs life, acting like every other power hungry ruler weve seen in history.

So you got this angel Lucifer. Who is basically the first rebel in history. Hes the only one woth the balls to stand up to God and say, "Your being a dick." Then God is all like, "Your just jealous. Get the fuck outta here." Then banishes him from heaven and basically shits on his name at any chance he gets. Shortly after this the moody, unpredictable good wipes out all the humans with a flood... because why the fuck not, hes basically playing "Sims" with us.

Just a random thought I had.

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