Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Big Dick is Back in Town

I am officially old....

Some Youtube Vlogger (A term I am unsure of) got in trouble for showing a hanging Japanese man in the Suicide Forest (What did he expect? I think the fucking name gives it away... it would be like naming "The Departed" -"Dicaprio catches a bullet in the head" and being surprised by it.

I checked this guys Youtube page and he has 300 million views for very poorly done rap parodies. I'm busting my ass making short films and getting 200 views if I'm lucky. I officially don't understand this new generation. They watch videos of people playing video games and commenting on them, What kind of shit is that? These D-Bag children have gotten too lazy to even push buttons on a controller. Its sickening but I think we need a N.Korea "Fatman"... at least 9/11 shook my ass up to reality.

Also these Youtube Vloggers edit there videos in such a way were they cut out every breath they take... so it is just continuous talking. You little ADD cocksuckas... I played "Final Fantasy 7" for 80 hours and had to READ all the character dialogue. None of these new generational fucks could perform such a feat. And if I'm a "Millennial" what the hell is the term for them?I say we just go with "Cocksuckas".

And I know it comes with age that you hate new music but this new shit is fucking horrible. These rappers are mumbling and talking about "kissing white boys since I was 14". If any rapper said that in the 90's he would be shot. As a child I got "DMX   - It's Dark and Hell is Hot". It had the line, "I got blood on my dick cause I fucked a corpse"..... Prison worthy today.

And god forbid you hit on a woman.... your the next Harvey Weinstein. I'm not saying hes a innocent good guy but this is turning in to a witch hunt against Straight Males. If JFK and Sinatra were alive today they would be getting life sentences. When did this society get so fucking PC? It's sickening.

I am sick of biting my tongue to try not to offend.... Big Dick is Back in Town

(EDIT: Wow, Ive been angry.. this is a venomous post)

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