Monday, January 29, 2018

Life is Hard.

I was working in a office.. shirt and tie all that bullshit. Waiting at the subway, jamming myself in to a overcrowded train, getting the inevitable delay, then showing up 10 minutes late and getting a scolding. Walk over to my windowless office, sit down, open up the PC and scroll thru all my unread e-mails (I refuse to read them on my personal time). Now it's time to work for "The Man" to ensure they make money. Your also adding a hour and a half commute both ways. The office is near colorless.... 50 shades of grey without the S&M.  I know there are a lot harder jobs out there and my heart goes out to you. But when you know what you want to be doing, when you got a dream like MLK Jr., its hard to wake up and accept this as your reality.

You know how many mornings I thought about jumping in front of that train. Not seriously but considering it lol. If I was really going to do it it would be a much more glamorized suicide... a lot more elaborate... I'm pretty sure it would involve sharks after a round of love making with some Native American Women.

This life is hard.... chase your dreams and live broke? Or do soul crushing work that gives you the house and family. But are those people happy? Are the artists happy? Fuck! Who is happy in this world? Legit happy... not drug induced... maybe people who work at Dominos. I'm pretty sure working around that amazing pizza is a better cure for depression then Prozac.


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