Thursday, December 21, 2006



I must say, Christmas is 2 days away and it does not feel like it at all. I asked myself, "Why is this holiday year so unfestive? What is killing Christmas" Well, I'll tell you what killed Christmas...The Ozone Layer. Yup....the fact that we destroyed it and I'm walking around in T-Shirts at the end of December kind of takes away from the whole winter. And if you think I'm jive talking just look around. Hardly anyone wears jackets anymore. I remeber a time when people couldn't get bigger or fluffier jackets. Remeber those Bear jackets? People dressed like it was the damn ice age. Its getting bad....I'm going to be telling my children one day, "I remeber this thing called "cold". Yup...when you went outside you used to have to wear lots of clothes or you would feel "cold". So what could we do to help our enviroment? Well we shoot these things out of our rings and when our powers combine....Wind! Water! Earth! Heart! Remeber that Captain Planet shit? How the hell did Heart fit in with the planet? I never understood that.

P.S. Go see Rocky Balboa...its probably the greatest movie of all time.

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