Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Holy crap... did you guys watch that below? Mr.Rogers is a fucking demon... El Diablo.... El Blanco Diablo! What did you do this weekend? Oh I was just filming a movie I wrote Beatrice! Ha Ha Ha. Yes its true El Dandy! I spent this LONG weekend filming the newest and greatest short film evar called "Found". Its the "coming of age of a Hitman". You like that line right there? Thats basically me saying to people "fuck off", when they ask me what the film is about. Ha Ha. Im sorry but its true. I get asked so much for a play by play breakdown of every line in the script, that I now just give that one line. If I gave you a longer explanation of the film, I must have been in a good mood or was looking to get laid. 

Friday was probably the hardest day of the shoot thus far. We shot from 3 PM to 6 AM. Great fun. We were in a small apartment, with 8 sweaty stinky men, all the windows closed, no air condition, and 1 million watt lights shining on us. We started shedding clothes so quickly it started to look like we were shooting a gay porno. "Men In Heat". Im really feeling what we filmed was magical. I would really love to talk candidly on this blog about some on set shit and what not, but you don't shit were you eat. The crew got along great, I genuinely enjoyed the company of everyone and would work with them again in a heartbeat. 

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