Thursday, February 15, 2007


Jeez, that R.Kelly pic certainly is the creepy. I can't even look at my blog. I really have nothing to say in this post, but I'm just posting this so that nude R.Kelly model isn't the first thing I see when I open the blog. So let me post a pic of one of my favorite places ever....the rainforest. Before I go, I just remebered something I wanted to get off my chest. My biggest fear ever...and this might be weird to being stranded in the middle of the ocean. Im not making this up either...I cant think of anything scarier then stuck in the middle of the ocean...especially at night. Nothing is scarier to me then just floating there, looking up at the starry sky, and looking as far off in the distance any way possible, and seeing only ocean. And then you know that there is crazy shit swimming right below you, like sharks and god knows what else is down there...giant squids? Man, I'm scaring myself right now. Anyway...I had this horrible nightmare the other night. One were I actually popped up awake and was like, "Oh shit! Thank god it was a dream!" I was some kind of race car driver, and I was driving on this futuristic bridge. I was stuntin' and somehow went flying off this bridge, which was above water by the way...and then the car flew VERY VERY far and I was in the middle of the ocean as the car was plummeting underwater. Sorry my dreams dont make that much sense! Anyway...the car is sinking and Im trying to un-do my seatbelt. Finally I get it off and realize I dont have my cellphone on me. Why this was such a big deal, I dont know...but in the dream I was like, "Oh No! I forgot my cellphone! How am I suppose to call while I'm underwater now!" And thats about the time I sprung up in my bed, the scardest (is that a word?) I've been in a while. I'm not even messing with you...this is all true. Ok enough of that...I don't want anymore nightmares...Lets look at a picture that always makes me relax and calm.

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