Saturday, October 20, 2007

1 Year Anniversary!

Yup...Its true...this shit hole is officially 1 years old. It started with a post about the Mets losing, and was followed by a story of a Walrus masturbating. What a long way it has come. It now includes stories of the supernatural, critiques of the Bible, movie reviews, a film journal, and much much more. Up above is a masterpiece I drew up...its my gift to all of you, click on it for the full effect. More great things are to come.

Now for TWO movie reviews. I went to see "Dahjee Limited" or however the hell is spelt. I usually enjoy Wes Anderson movies, I like them a lot. But this....this was awful. I feel that the movie never started. The whole time I was waiting for it to start, and then it just ended. It was basically and excuse for these guys to take a trip to India. But this is not the true story here. After seeing that we weren't completed, we needed something else...something stupid. Something where we didn't have to think. So we snuck into the only other movie playing at that time. What I witnessed was hands down, the worst movie I have ever seen. But it wasn't bad like Dahjing Limited. No, this was so bad it was enjoyable. I laughed to death, thinking how the fuck could something like this get made. It gave me great confidence in my own abilities. There were about 5 people total in the theater, and 2 left during the film. I am actually going to recommend this film, but being drunk or stoned when you walk in. What is it you ask. It is a little film called "The Comebacks".

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