Thursday, October 11, 2007


Three great shows on TV right now...

First is "Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia" on FX. This show has been hitting on all cylinders, and is becoming one of my all time favorite comedies. Shit, it is well on its way to being right behind Seinfeld. How good is this show? One of the recent episodes had Danny Devito dropping acid.

Next up...a new show on A&E called "Last One Standing". This show takes cocky buff Americans, and puts them in an African Tribe to fight. Guess what happens? These guys totally get their asses kicked hardcore. The tribe also makes these Americans go through "rituals". I'm pretty sure the tribe is just fucking with them. The last one I saw had the tribe cutting up the Americans whole body with piranha teeth, and then pouring salt all over the wounds. This show kicks ass.

The last show, which is basically a guilty pleasure, is "Kid Nation." Its basically Lord of the Flies televised. It's very sappy at times but there is something about it that sucks you in. Its also pretty cool to see 12 year old kids beheading chickens. This one might not be for everyone, but its very well produced.

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