Friday, October 26, 2007

Most Annoying People Ever...

1. Dane Cook - I REFUSE to watch the MLB Playoffs, not because the teams suck, but because of this unfunny emo asshole doing the commercials. I really hate this guy, to the point where I would put a bullet between his eyes. He also steals a lot of his material. There is nothing good about this man. I wish he would just die. Anyone who watched "Tourgasm" has to agree with me.

2. Criss Angel - This guy is a tool. His magic is as fake as can be, and every person he does "magic" onto his show is a paid actor. He is the nerdy, gothic, kid in highschool who figured magic was a way to get laid. Recently he's been paling around with Britney Spears. Good Job! It doesn't get any lower then that. Am I the only one who prays the worst possible thing happens when he does one of his tricks? The one day he can't get the chains off and drowns is going to become a holiday.

3. Star Jones - She should've died when she got her gastric bypass surgery. She then lied about it. She told the world she was just dieting. In my opinion she is the least attractive female on the earth. You know what...She is the most annoying person ever. I am not telling anyone to do it...BUT lets just say that someone was to murder he. Would it be that bad? Shes ugly but remain arrogant. She is also racist and a child molester.

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