Sunday, March 09, 2008


Time for some Random Ramblin's!!! Spitting from the top of the dome here peeps...

- My birthday falls on Easter Sunday this year....does that make me the son of God or something?

- Oh boy, Daylight Savings time....I wanna find the douchebag who thought of this CRAZY fucking concept, fill up a forty ounce bottle with piss and shatter his fucking lips with it. What kind of crazy is this? My internal clock is all screwed up now and probably wont be right for like another 3-4 weeks. 

- The new lead singer of Blind Melon has a tattoo of the old dead lead singer on his back. Creepy. Do you really want that guy in your band? He might like skin you alive while your sleeping. Isn't this also the same exact plot in the Mark Wahlberg disaster called "Rock Star"?

- You gotta love these Sci-Fi made for television movies. "The Moth"! "Giant Lizard"! "Rock Man"! Who thinks of this crazy shit? Every movie is some giant monster or mutant going apeshit crazy.

- I know you probably don't watch the TV channel called G4. I started off as the "video game" channel but has just recently transformed into Japanese TV. Needless to say, it is now bad ass, airing some of the most wild Japanese game shows and such. I love them Japs!

- Once you go Mac you never go back. I must really say it. Having had my Apple MacBook for a long enough time now, I must say I can not ever see myself going back to windows. The interface on the Mac is just so much easier and enjoyable.

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