Monday, March 10, 2008

Making a Film...

FINALLY! Yes, I have finally filmed my first documentary. The project called for us to "dramatize a location". What basically happened is we freaked people out and got thrown out of a lot of places. Me and my partner originally started in a bowling alley. Instead of letting the action come to us we went fucking camera crazy swinging it about trying to capture every little thing. "Hurry to the left! That retard is trying to bowl! You got to film that!" So that did not turn on too well. We went in for a re-shoot but were kindly asked to leave. Plus I felt like some kind of sicko filming little kids playing video games while there parents watched on in concern. Plus the fact that my pants were around my ankles didn't help much. We then went and filmed in Pathmark, were every old fucking bag in the planet had to look directly into the camera and make ugly faces. One woman even stuck her tounge out at us. We were then tossed out of there. I swear, bring a camera in somewhere and your treated like Osama Bin Laden strapped with a bomb holding hands with Roger Clemens. So we finally settled on a library, which did not turn out as deathly boring as you might expect. I noticed a weird thing while in there tho. Not one person in the library was reading a book, everyone was on a computer.

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