Monday, March 03, 2008

MJ At the Movies.

Well I saw the new Ferrell movie....."Semi Pro". It is typical Will Ferrell. If you seen Talladega Nights his character is more that then Anchorman. He is a likable idiot, but not an sex addict like his other films. Now heres what makes this film different from other Will Ferrell comedies. It is rated "R" and they don't hesitate to drop the "F" bomb. Some of the funniest parts are the unexpected times when they just yell "fuck." Another surprise...Ferrell is not the main character, the lead is actually Woody Harrelson. He has the love story, which is probably the dullest part of the movie. This movie is not as over the top as other Ferrell movies, and feels more like an old school legit sports movie. Overall, I liked it. I liked it better then Blades of Glory and Talladega Nights. It doesn't top Anchorman tho, which is genius.

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