Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Happening

I want you to go RUN to your nearest Blockbuster or check your tv schedule or mail in your Netflix or do whatever the hell you have to do to get your hands on a copy of M. Night Shytman's "The Happening". This is without a shadow of doubt the worst movie of all time. It makes "Wicker Man" and Uwe Bowl films look like "Raging Bull". I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard while watching a movie. The funniest comedy is unintentional, and this movie will have you rolling with tears in your eyes. The acting and line delivery is so awful that no one involved in this film should ever work in Hollywood again. Mark Wahlberg gives the worst acting performance in the history of cinema. That is no joke. 

I was seriously writing more coherent pieces of shit then this in the 5th grade. I really wish I would have been able to see this is a theatre just to see the reaction of the audience. There are so many "serious" "suspenseful" lines that I just know would be met with laughter. Theres even a scene where an elderly women shows Mark Walhberg a movie sent to her iPhone (nice product placement) from a sister. It shows a man feeding himself to a bunch of lions and walking around armless. The women watches in awe and then says, "What kind of terrorists are these?" This line literally made me do a spit take. The best thing I can say about this film is that its "funny" bad and not "boring" bad.... as a matter of fact it is down right hilarious, one of the funniest films of all time. If someone tells you this is a good film (and not in the sense that its so bad its good) then they are a complete and utter moron. This is not debatable. If you have any bit of intelligence what so ever you can tell this is a horrible horrible horrible film. Even Ray Charles could see that and he's blind and dead.

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