Monday, February 08, 2010

Greatest Innovation of Our Times

Evolution... from ape to man... from old Heinz packet to this...

Why didn't I think of this? Why didn't anybody think of this. Who the fuck enjoyed squirting ketchup packets. Them shits probably caused more stains then leaky assholes. But this here.. Wow. It is now possible to actually eat fries with ketchup while driving. No longer does one have to scoop up ketchup off a napkin or ripped up paper bag or whatever the hell else one would use. I have not been this impressed with something until I first played Wii Sports. I can't believe it took this long for someone to make this innovation.... FUCK! If I would've invented this god damn thing I could've took Heinz down. I would have sold it to Herrs and changed the game. FUCK!

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