Monday, February 01, 2010

Random Ramblins

-Whats up ho's and hoettes? I've been using the term, 'Ho fo' sho'!" lately more then any white male should.

-Jersey Shore 2 is announced but wont take place at the Jersey Shore? Huh? We have a situation here. I say put them in Compton... or AMISH TOWN!!! Everyone knows the Amish equal ratings. It will be so crazy cause the Amish are like old fashioned and the "Guidos" are so not like them!!!!!!!!1!!!!!1! Its is effin craaazey. I should work for MTV with ideas like this. Give me a call Viacom!

- I turn to my daily New York Post (reading another paper would be uncivilized) and I see the Giant Obese Humongous Slobbish Rex Ryan giving me the middle finger. It is insane how well Sexy Rexy fits with the New York Jets. He was tailored made for this franchise. You can picture him chugging a beer funnel while molesting a plate of hot wings. I like using serious words inappropriately. The other day while failing miserably at my Italian final I said to my friend, "I am literally raping this test.

- Speaking another language is not for me. I can barely speak English. i have probably the worst memory of all time. Take that back... I can only remember incidents I find funny. I can not remember things like names, dates, and numbers to save my life. Literally. I am dead now... I lost my life because i could not remember when Columbus sailed the blue. Apparently it wasn't 1992.

- Hey did you see the Grammys last night?! Neither did I.

- Ive been obsessed lately with getting stoned and eating Wendy's salads. Your munching out but your doing it the healthy way.

- Who decided that blue was manly and pink was girly? You ever think of shit like this? You should.

- Why do all homeless schizophrenics think that they are being watched by the government, and that agents put microchips in them. Speaking of schizo's my cousin who is a priest said an interesting thing.... he sometimes wonders if all these schizos that apparently see the devil actually see the devil What if the devil picks on these weak that no one will believe.

- I feel bad for male ladybugs.

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