Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Whats up Dudes and Dudettes. Well school has just restarted and I must say this semester is looking like the suck. I try to stay positive, but I have given up. I am officialy sick of school and this is only my first week. I actually find myself growing bored with everything. Im tired of my neighborhoos and I actually think I'm tired of New York. I feel I reached the point where its time for a change. I think I did as much as I could where I am. Maybe I'm just having a mid-life crisis. When things start feeling too comfortable and routine, I get bored and out if it. You need to throw in a little spice, but not enough to the point where it tastes like shit. When life gives you lemons, you suck the juice out, and when life gives you raw meat, you buy a George Foreman Grill and grill. And you got to cry over spilled milk, and if at first you don't succeed, hire someone more capable. Thank you....adios amigos.

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