Saturday, January 27, 2007


Im gonna give out some free advice. I usually charge for such gems of knowledge. Usually, when an elder is giving me advice it goes in one ear and right out the other. It's not due to a lack of respect, but rather the fact that the times they are a changing. Things are different...How much help can a guy who doesn't know how to turn on a computer give me? Trust me, this wont stop me from giving advice in the future, and telling tales that begin with, "Back in my day..." Shit, I'm 21 and I already start stories like that. "Back in my day if you liked just one song, you would have to go out and buy a thing called a single. We had none of this Napster bullshit!" The key to this is being very bitter and to spew venom. Anyway.....I don't remeber who it was, but someone gave me this nugget of advice. For some reason it stuck with me, and now, I give it to you. It has to do with e-mail addresses. Now I know most of us made them when we were young and stupid, but you really should make a new "normal" one. When your going for a job, and your dressed in your fancy suit, and your talking all respectable-like, and then they ask you your e-mail and you say, "CrAzYaSsKiLLa" or "ShOrTySLuT69" (BTW: That second e-mail is mine, don't take it!) do you really think they are going to hire you? You need something normal people! How about just your name? And while I'm ranting, what the fuck is that up and down lettering? Is that cool or something? I never understood that and probably never will.

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