Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Great Fire

" The Fucking Hotel is on FIRE!"
I was just at the gym. I'm working out and all of a sudden every fire alarm in the place starts going off. I look around to see if anyone is panicing and it appears like no one else notices. Then the front desk gets on the speaker and says to come to the front and evacuate the gym. Apparently a fire broke out in the back. See, this time I casually walked out, and I did that for reason...See, I already had my great fire scare. I was not going to overreact this time.
This story takes place on our trip to Cleveland. It was Fear and Loathing in Cleveland. Everyday, as soon as you woke up, it was necessary for you to immediatly start drinking. These were the rules, and they were not meant to be broken. So anyway, me and two of my friends are chilling out one "morning" (3PM to 4PM) drinking some beers, eating left over Papa Johns, and watching "Real TV". Don't ask me why, but "Real TV" wound up being the only thing we watched on this trip, no other shows. And in all honesty, a fight actually broke out because my one friend tried to change it...he learned his lesson as he wounded up with a bloody nose. Anyway where all chilling out max and relaxing all cool, when all of a sudden the fire alarms in the whole hotel go off. Now we ended up in a "non-smokers" hotel room, not by choice, but we did. My one friend Hoss, would keep "secretly" smoking anyway. Me and my friend Ray would yell at him everytime that he was going to set the alarms off. As soon as we heard the alarm go off me and Ray both instinctly turned to Hoss with a stare that could kill. We both expected to see a cigarrette dangling from his mouth. But he was what was causing this? I walked outside the room in my wifebeater and pajama pants to investigate. I'm still not sure, maybe I was drunker then I thought, but I saw alot of smoke coming from around the corner. I ran back into the room, "The hotel is on fire! We gotta get out!" My friends also in pajams looked at me shocked. They wouldnt budge. "I'm not joking! Get up!" The now started to rise to their feet. I walked out back in the hallway. "C'mon!" My friends started to grab their belongings. "What are you doing?!" My friend looked at me, "Getting my wallett." I was now furious, "Fuck your wallett! The fucking hotel is on fire!" I was yelling in anger. I was certain we were going to be burnt to a crisp. Just then, the person across from us opens his door, and has a small child peering out from behind his leg as he stands by the doorway. He see's three guys at 4pm all in pajamas. He see's one guy in the hallway yelling and panicing. He see's two other guys frantically trying to grab all their belongings. He gives me a look like, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" and then goes back into his apartment and closes the door. I stand there feeling like a complete idiot. I look over to my friends, "False Alarm guys."

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