Monday, May 14, 2007

Graduation Speech....

Here is an actual transcript from my Valedictorian speech for Nassau Community College...

"Good Morning Gentleman and Gentleladies! I had a dream....When I came over to this country via boat, I looked at the Statue of Liberty, turned to Pablo and said, "Im gonna be sumthin!" And look at me now! I'm standing here receiving the Sacrament of Graduation! Now of course, there were a lot of doubters, or as I call them, "Playa Haters". They said, "Why did it take you 4 years to finish a 2 year school?" Well to them I say this, "Why did it take Lincoln so long to abolish slavery?" The point is this....when you have a dream, you go for it! No if, ans, but maybe some butts...HA HA! I am living proof of the American Dream. Living proof that wishing on a star is good for something. Living proof that you should make a wish when you blow out your candles! And for the naysayers...The thermometer says that the degree's is...ASSOCIATES! Suck my dick and swallow my kids you faggots! So in closing...Stay far from timid, only make moves when your hearts in it, and live the phrase, "Sky's the limit"....Motherfucker! FREEEEEEEDOM!"

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