Monday, November 12, 2007


Well heres some weird news. Kanye West's mom just passed away at the age of 58. Whats weird is what caused her to die. Apparently she just had her tummy tucked and was getting breast implants, and the complications of the surgery are what did her in. See...Vanity kills. What the hell was a 58 year old woman doing getting all this surgery anyways? Its not like she was about to go strut down the catwalk. I myself am a big Kanye fan, and I just saw the animated music video for the song, "Good Morning", which might be the most bad ass thing ever. The picture above is a scene out of it.
Tommorrow marks the release of "Mario Galaxy" for the Wii. I am a HUGE fan of Mario, always have and always will. What I'm hearing now is that this might be the best Mario ever. Thats a mighty large claim there. I will have to put it to the test...I haven't been this amped for a game in a while...fuck that Halo 3 bullshit, I played it and I think it sucks. No joke. I don't like those first person bullshit games. They are all exactly the same.
This show "Amazing Race", which won like ten thousand Emmys, is probably the best reality show. You people better get used to and start loving reality shows. With the writers strike coming that is the ONLY thing that will be on television. And as far as "Heroes" goes, I find the new season to be unwatchable. After last week I have finally given up on it. Let me tell you what the problem is....season 1 worked as a mini series. The stories of the characters all ended nicely and there wasn't anything else I wanted to see. When it ended, I didn't really have any questions for a new season, I was satisfied with what I saw and didn't want to see these characters anymore. What do I think they should have done? I would of not used any of the same cast members and started from scratch with all new "heroes". Then when sweeps comes, you throw in a former cast member into the mix. You see how this is working people? RATINGS!

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