Monday, November 19, 2007


I bet you not one of you fools knows the true meaning of Thanksgiving....STOP! I know your beginning to tell me that bullshit story..."The Indians and the pilgrims had a big feast and they loved each other and...." BULLSHIT! Bullshit I say! You really think the Indians would want to eat with those white devils who stole their land, and brought them weird new diseases? That story is some made up Americana crap! Why do we celebrate thanksgiving? No one truly knows, but I can bet you its disgusting, and quite frankly a little scary. I imagine the first Thanksgiving as "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" meets that "2 Girls 1 Cup" video thats online. What the best part of Thanksgiving? CRANBEERY SAUCE MOFUCKA! Everyone knows that...its like what color is the sky. You put marshmellows in your sweet potatoes? You god damn better! What is going on in that pic....oral sex? oral sex from a turkey?!

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