Tuesday, January 26, 2010

J-E-T-S! Trip Pt. 2

So I am sitting in the car on my way back from indianopolis. Yes the jets lost and cindarella is not going to the ball. What i realized is that jet fans travel like the black plague.... Make that green plague and totally devour and infect a city. They are like the Sars virus of obnoxiousness, disrepect, and overall deuchebaggery... And it is damn infectious. My second favorite football team (I still bleed Blue)made me very proud to be a New Yorker. And props to the people of Indiana who have to be some of the nicest and most accomodating fans around. The upscale steak house we were in dealt with the ugliest, loudest, and sexually deviant 2 Jet fans for a whole full hour before throwing them out. They then proceeded to to illegaly hitch a ride on the back of a horse and carriage while doing the Jets chant. Speaking of the Jets chant I wouldnt mind not hearing that again for a year. I consumed more beer and ate more food then practically ever in my life... I feel like Rex Ryan on a bender after a trip to the Sizzler. I feel like Inspector Lee... You dont want to feel like inspector lee.

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