Thursday, May 06, 2010


Oh great... Lawrence Taylor has just been accused of raping a 15 year old girl in a hotel room. What the hell is going on in pro sports? Maybe he's not guilty... but what the fuck was he doing in a hotel room with a 15 year old girl?! I love people who defend this shit by saying, "He's an athlete, why do you care what he does off the field/court/course?" No... your good at football, you should get a free pass to go rape whoever you want. "Hide your mothers and daughters Big Ben is in town.... and he is now legally allowed to rape!" I'm sorry... if I think someone is a scumbag I can not root for them, even if they are on my team. I loved LT, I'm a huge Giants fan, but fuck him if its true... 15?! What is wrong with these athletes? They have so much trouble getting laid that they have to resort to rape, prostitutes, and children? Tiger Woods must be loving this, it makes him look like a saint. Even Big Ben.... he at least does his raping in bathroom stalls in sleazy bars with women, not in hotel rooms with children. Even if she lied.... you have to check I.D.'s now a days.... your a big star, girls will look at you and see a lawsuit. I don't see anyway what so ever LT can beat this charge...

The only defense I can think of is if LT, who is 51 years old, claims he has dyslexia , and thought he himself was actually 15.... Case closed.

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