Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pure Genius

The intro to Growing Pains is the most genius thing I have ever seen. It is reminiscent of Nazi propaganda in its ability to warp the mind into fighting for something.. in this case this family.
Lets Break this down.

Ok... right in the beginning we see the family yelling at each other. This shows they are not your typical family... there is a little dysfunction.. but they aren't angrily yelling, more like "joshing".
Then they strike a normal pose for the camera... they put on the front of the perfect family for society to see.

Then we get this powerful fucking music and shots of every cast member thru different stages of their lives. Right there that makes us feel like we knew and grew up with these people our whole lives. Emotional attachment.

Also right before Mike Camerons name, one of his pictures of his him as a child making a goofy face... right there we know the character has a sense of humor and is the clown.

Then the family dispatches and we have Mike Cameron standing alone hamming it up. Now we know he is the star of the show. He tries to stand like he is the true man of the house, but then goes scampering after his family... showing he still needs them despite how he may act. PURE FUCKING GENIUS!

I can actually go even deeper into what each character is doing at present that says even more about them... this whole thing is probably boring you to tears... The mother is a business suit.. she's an independent working woman. Mike Cameron once again goofing off. The daughter on the phone chatting with her friends, typical teenage girl. The gay son looking like a stand up comedian doing a routine.... SOOOOOO FUCKING GENIUS!

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