Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fourth of July!

Ok so I'm watching my new favorite channel, National Geographic. They have a show called "Is It Real?", and this week they were talking about bigfoot. Apparently, there is this Russian guy who has a human father and a bigfoot mother. Hmmm...A guy fucked a bigfoot?! Anyway, this guy is now a half breed. So you ask, what does a half human, half bigfoot look like. If you guessed Kramer then you are correct.

Wow...I totally forgot that it is the fourth of July. I guess the fact that its on a Wednesday this year kind of ruins it. I think also the fact that the weather sucks and that its raining might add to it, and that everyone has work tommorrow. Or maybe its the fact that people hate America now. All I know is I had nothing left in the tank to celebrate, seeing how I went balls to the wall for Canada Day.

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