Monday, July 16, 2007

Snake Lady

I was debating if I should write this story. You see, the image I saw that night has forever been burned into my memory, and I thought words simply could not do it justice. I was waiting to hopefully find a picture of this oddity on the internet, but then I realized she is not allowed to be photographed. This is the story of the Black Snake Woman. One of the few remaining wonders of this world.
Me and my friend were at one of those annoying street feasts. They are nothing more then a haven for carnies and sexual predators. And there is nothing I hate more then gypsy fucking carnies. I spot a building which has paintings all across the side and says, "COME SEE THE SNAKE WOMAN". Then there is a painting of some hot topless white chick with a snake tail for the lower half. That really didn't matter to me, she still had a mouth didn't she? Its 3 bucks to enter, and I figure even if it really isn't a snake/human hybrid at least I'll see some boobies. Working this "ride" were some black Africans who probably just cut off someones hand for a blood diamond. Bling Bang! We hand him the money and cautiously walk in.
Now here is a explanation of what it actually was, and this is the God's honest truth. It was a black woman standing in a pit with a tire around her neck, and mirrors around every side of her, so it appeared as if she had no body. She was also wearing sunglasses and had absolutely no expression on her face, I wasn't even sure if she was breathing. I debated with my friend if it was actually a real life person or just a dummy. So I decided to become a heckler to try to get a reaction. "How the hell did you get those glasses on? You don't even have any arms!" Nothing. I tried another joke and then resorted to yelling, "Say something bitch!" I couldn't get a reaction for nothing. There was now a crowd of us standing outside the fence peering in, making lewd comments and jokes. My friend pulls out his cellphone and goes to take a picture when of all sudden the woman lets out a huge yell..."NOOOOOOOO PICTURES!" It actually scared the shit out of me. The black guy then came running in at top speeds holding a machete and actually forced my friend to delete the picture. The world was not ready to see this miracle, and looking back on it, I'm actually glad he did erase it. He did us all a favor.

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