Friday, July 20, 2007


My interview with "Sonic the Hedgehog"

Q: Sonic, can you describe Dr.Robotnik with one word?

A: Well that depends if you consider Mother-Fucker one word.

Q: What have you been up to since your last game?

A: You know a spot where I can get some pussy? I'm horny as a mother fucker. And you got a number I can call to get some nose candy?

(How this idea came about: I was playing Sonic the Hedgehog recently. The idea is basically this, Dr.Robotnik is the main bad guy and he takes cute little furry animals and traps them in a robotic body. So like a cute little rooster becomes a big mean robotic rooster. That didn't really bother me much. It was however, when I destroyed a giant robotic worm and a little bird flew out that I had to proclaim, "Dr.Robotnik is a mother fucker!" He won't even give the bird a god damn robot bird body. He makes him a fucking worm?! Fuck him.)

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