Friday, October 10, 2008


That looks like our society now a days... mindless and looking to the sky for answers. Here the scary thing... some people like being uninformed and ignorant. Some people are afraid of knowing too much... hell I feel mostly everyone is, that is why people smoke weed, drink, and do all sorts of drugs. To escape from reality. Everyone needs to escape from reality now and then... and if it ain't drugs, its television and video games, sports, taking pictures of feet (!) to whatever the hell else floats your boat. The big question is how much reality can you take? Some people cant take any at all and become addicts or extremists. These are the scariest and most dangerous people on earth. People so devoured by one thing that it destroys their perception of reality. I'm talking anything from drugs, to religion, to love here. When you let that escape become your sole purpose, you can become very erratic.

And you know who else is very dangerous? That person who doesn't smoke, drink, have sex, watch TV, play sports, do any drugs, has no hobbies whatsoever and only works. That is someone facing reality head on with no escapism. This is a very hard thing for any one person to try and do. This is the person that just suddenly snaps and shoots up and office.

Stop looking up to the sky and look forward into a mirror. Crying out for help is pathetic and taking away valuable energy that should be spent doing something positive. The best form of charity is not our money, but rather your time. Welcome to the great Recession people... its only going to get worse. Sit and watch or stand fight. Are you really ready to bend over and get fucked by the Government for another 4 years? Wake up people. This country is going down the tubes. Every great empire eventually falls. And it mostly happens because of an inadequate, greedy, leader. Hmmmm... fighting a war on two fronts for personal gain. The seeds have been planted. Hopefully Obama or whoever can un-dig them.

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