Thursday, October 30, 2008


Fuck the Republicans. Now heres the weird thing... I don't really dislike McCain. He seems like a cool guy, someone who i could actually get along with. But McCain is the kind of guy I would want to be shooting Vietnamese with, not the guy I want to be president. Yeah,,, he's a cool guy, but he is also out of is fucken mind. Sarah Palin is just a dumb fucken bimbo, who makes Hillary Clinton look like Einstein.

The thing is I hate Republicans. The main reason is because Republicans consist of my least favorite people on earth.... rich old cocky white people.... aka the Jews. HA HA HA! And all these ultra religious nut jobs are Republicans too, and quite frankly they scare the shit out of me. I'm not an atheist by any means, but religion and politics don't mix like two dicks. I don't consider myself really liberal, seeing as how I hate the fags (kidding), but I am in no way a conservative.

My vote is for anarchy, drugs, sex, and change. Its not so much that I like Obama, but more that i hate the fucken Republicans. I want you to quickly roll through your mental roller deck and think of all the people you know that are Republican. Do you really like any of them? I mean like really like them? Are they mostly religious nut jobs or money hungry businessmen? I bet you not one of them is an artist or does anything creative. i bet you not one of them owns a Mac. They probably don't use drugs and drink 2 beers and are drunk.... They probably are Patriot fans. I don't want to be one sided here, but if you go and vote for McCain I think its pretty safe to assume that you are one of the most bland people ever. Viva La Revolution!

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