Monday, November 10, 2008


This is something I find hilarious even tho I really shouldn't. For a period of time I was taking the sleeping drug Ambien for recreational use. I would put me in a dream like state and give me a sense of euphoria. It also takes away some inhibitions, but its not all positive as it gives you amnesia like a mofo. Anyway, when your on it, sometimes you will feel very creative. I would write very rough outlines and actually come up with some good story ideas and what not. Well, I started to get cocky and decided that I would only write my school papers while on the drug. Bad idea. I just got 2 papers back that were written under the influence and my grades were a 60 and a F. This was absolutely shocking to me... cause as soon as I finished writing them I felt like I was the next Hemmingway. I was confident in them that I didn't even bother to proof read them. When I got them back and re-read them, it was like reading a post on this blog.... a post on this blog if I was drunk and angry. The papers were written the exact same way as I type on here... with spelling errors, poor grammar, and abbreviations like IMO. One paper contained the word "FUCK" in it twice, while the other actually contained the line, "The movie "The Grand Hotel" is the suck." HA HA HA. Fuck ya life. I'm lucky from some bizaare reason that my grades are amazing so far, so I can take this setback. If i could go back and re-do them I wouldn't. College is one of the biggest joke scams in the United States... I take that back. It is the biggest joke scam in America. I'm sick of the bullshit and its time I treat it as the joke it is. I confronted the teacher about the paper too. She said it was too opinionated. What?! I told her I was sorry I had free thought and didn't just "copy & paste" like 90% of the other students. Is that what you want you whorish women? To read the same god damn thing over and over copied straight from the textbook? I'm just trying to add some arregano to the sauce baby. Did I learn my lesson? Nope. I'm gonna shoot up H before I write my next paper. I want my teacher to literally become schizophrenic from reading the crazy that will be spewed onto my paper.

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