Friday, November 21, 2008


What the fuck is "Twilight" and why is it having one of the biggest weekend box offices of all time. The numbers I'm hearing... its going to be #20 of ALLS THE TIMES as far as opening weekend. I saw a billboard and could've sworn Twilight was nothing more then a gay porno. Just look at that pic above... it looks like an advertisement for "HIV AIDS". That honestly is one of the gayest looking things I have ever seen. Apparently this is some sort of teen vampire movie. Listen up Kiddos, this movie has been done already and done MUCH better... its a little classic I grew up on called "The Lost Boys". Those vampires were bad ass - Keifer Sutherland - 80's glam rock - bad mofo's.... These vampires are ummm.... Metrosexual - HIV Positive - Faux Hawk wearing - lameitories. Don't go see this movie... thats an order!

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