Thursday, December 25, 2008


"The Yankees have the highest-paid first basemen, the highest-paid third basemen, the highest-paid shortstop, the highest-paid catcher, the highest-paid starting pitcher and the highest-paid reliever in the history of the game."

"Rooting for the Yankees is like going to a casino and rooting for the house to win." I honestly can not even think about the Yankees without feeling the most extreme anger. What they are doing with their current spending spree represents a lot more then baseball. It represents American capitalism, it represents that spoiled kid in school who always one upped everyone else with materialistic goods, they represent that douchebag who spends 24 hours a day on his car and has pics of it on his MySpace. If you are a Yankee fan, then you are a spoiled brat. "WAHHH WAHH! Daddy I want the playoffs! Give me the playoffs!" Then old Daddy Steinbrenner goes out and spends all the money to shut your big mouth up. Rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for Goliath over David. This might be a sick thing of me, but when someone says they love the Yankees spending so much and they don't care how they win, I honestly lose a bunch of respect for them. This current Yankees team is the worst villian in all of sports, even beating out last years Patriots. Its sad, because the Yankees used to have personality. The late 70's teams were bad ass wildmen, and everyone loved the 96 Yankees. Look at this current team... Hank Steinbrenner is proving to be much worse then his father, and the yanks showed a lot of respect to Joe Torre... the most respected man quite possibly every in the orginization. Yup.... more then Ruth and Mantle... who people loved but recognized as drunks and womanizers... and DiMaggio was apparently a dickhead off the field. What have you ever heard said negatively about Joe Torre? This year I will be rooting for the Tampa Bay Rays and even the Red Sox to an extent. My hate for the Yankees far surprasses my love for the Mets . I'd rather see the Yankees NOT make the playoffs then the Mets make it. The Rays defeating this current Yankees team will be one of the greatest American victories of all time, comparable to the Revolution... how can you root for a team that single handedly is about the bring forth a salary cap? And the fact that their doing all this during a Recession, when people are struggling to provide for their families, is a slap in the face of every American citizen. I am honestly contemplating not watching another MLB game until a salary cap is in place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you sounds quite ignorant, and like the one going WAH WAH