Sunday, February 15, 2009


So I'm going to direct this music video for this song called "The Jungle". I heard it and was impressed by the rawness of it. Its a simple haunting beat with in your face raps and no hooks. It reminded me of old Wu-Tang or Onyx or something. I've been wanting to do a gritty video with no color and a real sense of isolationism. I'm looking to capture the loneliness one can feel in a crowded city, despite being smothered in people. I'm going to steer away from having a static camera as I feel it will help with the feeling o uneasiness and discomfort. This video comes at a great time for me as it fits my mood perfectly. My love affair with New York is growing sour by the day... I am ready to move to the fucking woods, grow my hair long, smoke lots of weed, and hunt animals of all sorts. Basically to become a hippie, who enjoys the occasional gangsta rap CD. You can't be someone who does not take life seriously and live in New York. New York is a very serious place driven by a cutthroat attitude and a will to suceed. Don't get me wrong, I love NY and will always be NY in my blood and soul, but seperation makes the heart grow fonder.

BTW: How many movies contain a scene with a guy turning on a computer and saying, "Morning (enter name)." Think about it.

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