Saturday, February 07, 2009


Glorious Day! The biggest prick in sports got what was coming to him.... A-Rod, or should I say A-Fraud, or rather A-Roid, has been outted as a steroid abuser. Man oh man... this guy is really being shown for the true asshole he is. First off you have Joe Torre, a classy man who I respect, calling him out in his new book, and now this. When I look at the players who abused steroids, i notice a trend... they are all dickheads, and known in locker rooms for being ego-maniacs. First off you have Barry Bonds, known as one of the biggest assholes of all time in baseball. Then you have Roger Clemens, one of the most despicable bat throwing classless mother fuckers of all the time. Now you have the single white female Madonna dating slap the ball out of your hand, A-Fraud. Karma is a bitch. A-Rod should lose his whole paycheck and it should be refunded to Yankee fans who paid to go to the games. I thought steroids are suppose to enhance your hitting, not make you screw up in the playoffs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a lame comment, its amazing how much someone else's shit matters to you