Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've seen some more clips of "Watchmen" and read a shitload of reviews. I've gained a lot more hope,  but I still think it will not be able to live up to the way I imagined it in my head.

I simply feel that film I envision can not be made in todays day and age.  The film I want would have to have been filmed in the 70's.  My "Watchmen" would copy the tone, feel, and look of "Taxi Driver". If I was directing Watchmen I would dissect Taxi Driver and re-create that with superheroes. The costumes would be overly simple and awkward. I would purposely make them look cheap, homemade, and somewhat silly. These are real grown men dressed in crazy Halloween costumes fighting crime. I would have the actors make the costumes themselves. Where as Batman looks slick and cool in his costume, these guys would look out of place... the way a guy in real life would look running around fighting crime in spandex. The pacing of the film would be really slow too.... basically I would make a studio's nightmare. I would make a film involving super-heros that one would not dare call a "super-hero" movie. The action sequences would be nothing more then an afterthought.  Lets hope my instincts are wrong and this film really does the novel justice.

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