Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cell phones

In this era of cell phones, it is a very scary thing when the house telephone rings. As soon as the ring goes off, the whole house stops and looks at each other in bewilderment. "What the fuck sound is this I be hearing?!"  The faces depict terror, dismay, paranoia, and confusion. "Who would call the house and not my cell phone?!" The reaction it gets is the same as if someone went into the other room and screamed at the top of their lungs. "What could be wrong? Who is it? Has someone died? Did I fuck up my taxes?" Everyone is so stricken with fear that no one dare go to answer it. It's gotten to the point where no one will even check the caller ID to see who it is. The jury is still out on which brings the fear more.... House phone ringing or Draculas.

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