Sunday, February 22, 2009


Fuck Amy Adams...

And I've just seen another clip from the "Watchmen" movie. God damn is it awful. It looks like the retarded child of the Matrix and the old Batman TV shows. Really crappy generic techno music mixed with an excessive use of slow motion. This clip pisses me the hell off because this director is missing the point and destroying a wonderful story. The heros are suppose to be old and past their prime... not kicking the asses of thousands of thugs. The fighting is suppose to be very realistic, not like some piss poor Jet Li film. In the novel these two characters are late 30's to early 40's... in this film its like two 20 year old kids. This story is the anti-superhero movie, not a cheap X-Men knock off. I can not wait until this film is eaten alive by critics.

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